Body Care at Illuminate aims to address the root causes of muscle tension from stress or sports injuries through deep tissue massage, trigger point release, stretching, and acupuncture.
Deep tissue massage softens the deeper layers of connective and muscle tissue through slow, steady, and firm pressure on tight areas and trigger points. A trigger point is bound muscle tissue that tightens due to repetitive movements, injury, or poor circulation and can be softened by massage and acupuncture. The metal needles used in acupuncture help reset the body’s electrical system to promote the proper firing and release of muscles, allowing them to relax and replenish.
Acupuncturists are trained to diagnosis and treat orthopedic injuries and can prescribe herbal medications for pain relief and recovery. Acupuncture needling also increases blood circulation around soft tissue structures, which brings white blood cells and nitric oxide to the muscle. This process helps promote waste removal by circulating fresh blood to the muscles being treated. When acupuncture is applied in conjunction with massage it can create a miraculous unwinding of physical and emotional tension. There are over 300 acupuncture points located on the body, each has its own function and impact on longevity and muscle recovery.
- Community Acupuncture Tune-up (30 min) $90
- Acupuncture & Herbal Consult for Injury or Recovery $225
- Sport Medicine/ Dry Needling $170
- Student Rate $150
- 8 Session Bodywork Package $2,200
All sessions are 60 min (unless otherwise stated).
Ask about our sliding scale.
Packages come with two quarterly workshop passes, herbal recovery formulas specific to you, and organic topical ointments for muscle recovery.
Have a question about a particular service? Schedule a free consultation.